Masha lives deep in the woods, in a small village house near a railway station. The main character and protagonist of the story is Masha, a young and cute 6-year old girl, with joyful green eyes, full of optimism and mirth. Both spin-offs received warm critics` reactions. Both of them are combining 3D graphics and regular animation, and are told from the first person, by Masha in front of her two favorite toys.
Two successful spin-offs were created after the main story became popular: Masha`s Fairy Tales and Masha`s Horror Stories. Since 2012 the series became one of the most popular Russian commercial projects sold for iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon, and three years later it happened to be a Netflix online platform bestseller. The series is known for its outstanding budget, as 1 minute costs the studio fifty thousand dollars, and the total for the first season production was 6.5 million dollars. All of the episodes were made in the modern 3D format, which presented all the characters more realistic and alive. The carton is the most successful project of the Russian Animakkord studio. Masha and the Bear has become a real sensation in the world since the first episode aired in 2009.